
Just Create

Consistency is important. Consistency not in the sense of making the same thing or even the same type of thing, but in the sense of making something. Doing something with my hands. Anything. Lately, I have occupied my hands and my mind by using books as an inspiration for a type of drawing, something called “entopic graphomania.” I came across it in Playing with Sketches, by Whitney Sherman, though there are lots of other accounts, e.g., “What is entopic graphomania.” It is quiet and feeds a certain type of creative need.

Black and white photo of pages from Catch-22 that I drew on.
Creativity need not be profound. Here are a couple pages from a copy of Catch-22 that I used for some “entopic graphomania.”

Like so many creative practices, my approach changes over time. These early examples seem now, to me, to be rather rigid and spare. More recently I tend toward busier drawings. I have also found ways to add layers to the process. So now the drawings within a book speak to each other.

And as with all my creative efforts, the process doesn’t end with the making. I cast them into the world. Little Free Libraries, bookstores, libraries, benches are just some of the places I have left copies. Maybe somebody else will stumble across them and try to make sense of them.

Photograph of a Little Free Library, with two copies of John Hawkes’s “The Cannibal”.
Two copies of John Hawkes’s “The Cannibal” stashed in a Little Free Library for somebody to find (both have since gone away).