Do Something Good

Documenting Covid-19

An article/interactive in today’s NY Times, “The Great Empty,” reminds photographers that they can play a role in documenting history. This is the first pandemic we’ve experienced since photography has become widely available and practiced. Sure, photography was around during the 1918-1919 pandemic, but only to a relative few. Today there are multitudes. I hope […]

Do Something Good

Photos for a Good Cause

How can photographers help out at right now? Donating time and talent is certainly one way. But given the efforts to maintain distance between people, taking photos of and for others might not be the wisest activity at the moment. And I’m not sure how many people need or are even thinking about photos right […]

Do Something Good

Documenting the Effects of Covid-19

I have been thinking a lot about how photography can do something worthwhile over the coming weeks. Or more specifically, given my good fortune to have a job that will continue through the current health crisis, I wonder how I can use my photography to do something meaningful. Is there something I can do with […]