Out and About

Silhouette of a Horse

A chance to spend another hour or so at Ashford Farms, a local stable, gave me the chance to take some more photos of the horses. Many of the horses were in their stables, so I tried to make the best of the strong lighting contrast. Silhouettes seemed like a good way to go. A […]



Detritus (noun): waste or debris of any kind. Cf., discarded matter, refuse, litter, flotsam & jetsam, dross, chaff. Maybe sediment (noun): matter that settles to the bottom (usually of a liquid). Cf., dregs, lees, residue, alluvium. The difference, to me, is we can’t help but produce sediment. Just our being generates a trail of sediment everywhere we go. Detritus, however, is often a willful […]

Out and About

Horse portraits

On a recent Saturday at the local stables I dawdled around taking photos of the horses. They were so cooperative, extending their heads and looking right at me. It was a lovely day, and a pleasant way to spend a few minutes. I have no idea if the horses cared, they didn’t say one way […]


Postcard Archive: August 2021

With the new month comes a new postcard. This month I was inspired by the detritus I found on a local walk and recollections of Penn’s portraits of cigarettes. Let me know if you want to receive a postcard. A selection of cigarette butts from a local “nature trail.” I look forward to a day when the […]


Hands at Work

I am working on a long-term project to talk to the people who own and run local businesses, the people who make our community unique and real, and to photograph them at work. Rather than a set of portraits, I want to focus on their hands because they tell the story of their efforts. And […]

Daily Photography Project

Daily Photo Project: Still Life 28

The 28th photo in my Daily Photography Project.

Daily Photography Project

Daily Photo Project: Still Life 24

The 24th photo in my Daily Photography Project.

Daily Photography Project

Daily Photo Project: Still Life 23

The 23rd photo in my Daily Photography Project.

Daily Photography Project

Daily Photo Project: Still Life 15

The 15th photo in my Daily Photography Project.

Daily Photography Project

Daily Photo Project: Still Life 13

The 13th photo in my Daily Photography Project.