Daily Photography Project

Daily Photo Project: Still Life 10

The 10th photo in my Daily Photography Project.

Daily Photography Project

Daily Photo Project: Still Life 9

The 9th photo in my Daily Photography Project.

Daily Photography Project

Daily Photo Project: Still Life 7

The seventh photo in my Daily Photography Project.

Daily Photography Project

Daily Photo Project: Still Life 3

The third photo in my Daily Photography Project.

Daily Photography Project

Daily Photo Project: Still Life 2

The second photo in my Daily Photography Project.


Celebrating Imperfect

The patterns created by the stairs and shadows intrigued me, as did the contrast between the parallels of light and dark, on the right, and the smooth, evenly lit surface on the left. I like the photograph I made that summer afternoon, I like it because it reminds me of the afternoon wandering the gardens, […]


I’m trying to entertain …

For me, creativity fulfills its purpose when realized in the creation of something. I am not particularly bothered if nobody likes it (either in the traditional sense of like or in the social media sense of like). I don’t take pictures, make photographs, collect moments and scenes, or write words either hoping for approval or […]

Out and About

Winter Wind

A cold wind whistled through the branches. The winter wind is different. Not simply frigid, though it is surely that, even the slightest breeze produces a haunting, lonely sound. I stand at the edge of a meadow listening to an arboreal death rattle, frozen branches creaking as dry air wheezes through a bronchial network of […]


Collecting Details

Pause. Look around. Look closely. What have I not noticed every other time I’ve passed this spot. Whether mundane and dull or extraordinary and beautiful. Somewhere around me right now is a detail I’ve not seen before. Find it and add it to my “Museum of Overlooked Details.”


Windmills, or Photography as Natural History

Singular photographs are fragments, or perhaps illustrations waiting for a story to give them context. But series of photographs seem to prompt a different kind of reflection. Collect together enough individual fragments and arrange them in some order, and the begin to reveal something you can’t see when looking at just one. The photographer engages […]