Daily Photography Project

Daily Photo Project: Still Life 27

The 27th photo in my Daily Photography Project.

Daily Photography Project

Daily Photo Project: Reflections #1

Now that I’ve been working at this nearly two weeks, I thought it might be useful to pause and think: What have I learned? Mostly technique. Getting a sense of how flash works, how light falls off, how far I can angle a flash/soft box from the subject and still get reasonable light. I’ve gained […]

Daily Photography Project

Daily Photo Project: Still Life 11

The 11th photo in my Daily Photography Project.

Daily Photography Project

Daily Photo Project: Still Life 1

I admire the people who have the fortitude to commit to a “daily 365 photography challenge.” I am not one of them. I might be able to complete the Michael Beirut “100 Day Project” if I chose a very clearly defined project, e.g., take a photograph of my left hand every day for 100 days […]