
Creativity Needs No Audience

I envy Vivian Maier. Not because I like her work — I have seen too few of her photos to know what I think of them, though I doubt they would appeal much to me. No. I envy Vivian Maier because she seems not to have cared whether or not I liked her work, or had […]


Fragments and Traces

That a photograph must tell a story is commonplace. “Storytelling” has conquered every form of photography, from landscape to street photography to elaborately staged scenes. I prefer to see photographs as fragments, extraits from a now lost present. John Berger remarked on the gap between the moment photographed and the present, saying All photographs are […]


This I will do —

— make something every day, something for an audience of one;— give away the things I make, leave them behind, stash them on shelves in stores, send them to strangers, and otherwise cast them into the universe for others to find;— look around with the eyes and curiosity of a child;— talk to strangers to […]


In Praise of Blurry Photographs

Slunk Emo ceremoniously attached the lens. The live stream on Stumbler broadcast through the universe video of what he was doing. He straightened and nodded to Slunk Ome, then moved to a position beside the switch that would complete the circuit when he threw it. The switch that would link, all at once, all the […]