Tag: Portraits

  • Horse in Profile

    Horse in Profile

    I find something relaxing about taking photographs of horses. There’s no talking and very little effort expended to get them to pose. I tend to watch them for some time, just trying to get a sense of how they are moving in their stalls. I often wonder what they are thinking, as they look out. Sometimes, when they whinny and neigh, I assume they want to go run around with the other horses. Clearly that assumption depends on equating the noises they make with those that I think humans would make when they want out. Sometimes they seem to be restless, but again if I’m being honest I have to admit that I am interpreting their movements as analogous to human actions. Maybe they are perfectly content just gazing out into the fields.

    #220424 black and white photograph of a horse looking out the stable door.
  • Silhouette of a Horse

    Silhouette of a Horse

    A chance to spend another hour or so at Ashford Farms, a local stable, gave me the chance to take some more photos of the horses. Many of the horses were in their stables, so I tried to make the best of the strong lighting contrast. Silhouettes seemed like a good way to go. A few turned out ok. Here’s one:

    Silhouette of a horse at Ashford Farms.
  • Horse portraits

    Horse portraits

    On a recent Saturday at the local stables I dawdled around taking photos of the horses. They were so cooperative, extending their heads and looking right at me.


    It was a lovely day, and a pleasant way to spend a few minutes. I have no idea if the horses cared, they didn’t say one way or another. But I had fun and came away with a handful of striking portaits.
