
Asocial Media

I make things and leave them places (a Little Free Library or a local coffee shop or a local French bakery or stashed amongst the books at a local bookstore) for other people to find. I don’t know what happens after that. It adds a sense of mystery and intrigue. I create things I need […]


Square Format

In the bygone days of film photographers with the resources and energy to print their own photographs weren’t constrained by anything but the size of paper they could purchase and their ingenuity for rigging up a system to project light onto that paper. But for most people who took their film down to the local […]


I’m trying to entertain …

For me, creativity fulfills its purpose when realized in the creation of something. I am not particularly bothered if nobody likes it (either in the traditional sense of like or in the social media sense of like). I don’t take pictures, make photographs, collect moments and scenes, or write words either hoping for approval or […]