Tag: Sunset

  • Postcard Archive: May 2022

    Postcard Archive: May 2022

    Thick smoke darkened the sun and made for an apocalyptic scene.

    The smoke from fires more than a state away blotted out the sun. Driving west, I couldn’t help but think: The world is burning up; this can’t end well.

  • Pursue Your Own Goals

    Pursue Your Own Goals

    Following the lead of others requires little effort and less courage. “Innovate and iterate” while a route to financial success and often a means of improving our efficiencies rarely produces genuinely new and imaginative things. To strike out on your own requires conviction and courage. To pursue your own goals wherever they might lead demands trust in yourself. Better to get lost having set out alone into parts unknown, than simply to tread an established path to some recognizable destination. So too in things creative.


  • Sunset Over the Valley

    Sunset Over the Valley

    I paused to rest and to watch the sun hang in the orange sky. Breathing heavily, salt in my hair, and dust on my legs. The weak evening light doing little to warm me. These are the sensations that remind me I’m alive. Exertion. Fatigue. Dirt. Offline. Alone. Chill.


    What, I wondered, reminds him that he’s alive? Exertion? Dust? Sweat? Followers? Texts? Is he ever alone? Is he lonely? Why did he come to the top of the hill this evening to look at his phone? Perhaps he gets better reception here.

  • Collecting Moments

    Collecting Moments

    On a typical weekday afternoon, a line of cars stretches down to the stoplight at the bottom, often twenty or so of them stopped on their trip home. On the other side, cars that have recently come through the intersection careen home. Crossing, even in the marked crosswalk, is a risk.


    This afternoon, I enjoyed walking down the center of the street without a car in sight. It was a moment. My camera allows me to collect life’s moments, the quiet ones, the daily ones, that tend to escape notice. Life’s moments, whether mundane or profound, are worth collecting.